Slave to the Nap

Thursday, August 10, 2006

What is to be done?

I've been messing around with this blog for a few weeks now, and I've decided that if I'm going to commit to blogging, I should come up with some reasons for having this blog in the first place. So, in no particular order, here they are:

  • To improve my writing, which I do on a regular basis for work but not for pleasure anymore.
  • To mess around with Blogger and Google Adsense. I don't get a chance to do that on our podcast blog, so I'd like this to be a sandbox for stuff I might want to do later on other sites.
  • To promulgate the phrase "Slave to the Nap." Truly this is the best band name ever. If you have a band and would like to call yourselves "Slave to the Nap," I wholeheartedly support you. Just drop me an e-mail if you do.
  • To talk about subjects I find interesting.
So, in honor of the last bullet, feast you eyes on this little news update from my local newspaper: No pets allowed

A new day is dawning! No longer will schnauzers and miniature poodles roam our brick-paved boulevards! Children will eat kolaches outside with impunity, knowing they are safe from canine attacks!

First of all, let me say that I enjoy the Farmer's Market very much. It is the main provider of my kolaches, and as such holds a special place in my heart. However, this dog ban leaves me unsettled. Personally, I dislike the canine companions that seem to overrun the crowded two-block area of the Market. But I really can't blame the dogs; it's the owners that parade them around looking for attention. You know the type. These are the people that need a prop to get attention. A dog at an outdoor event like the Farmer's Market is a perfect accessory. People will stop and talk to them, basking in the glow of the new puppy and asking stupid questions like "Is it a Shitzapoo?" or whatever they call these designer dogs nowadays. These are the pet owners that should be banned from the Farmers Market, not the nuclear family that brings their well-behaved golden retriever out early on Saturday morning to pick up some baked goods and coffee at the Mill.

But you can't ban people based on how annoying they are, so I guess the pups are gone for good. This is a hot-button issue for our city, judging from the amount of comments on the Journal Star web site. But I'm sure that as a community, we can get over this terrible crisis. Maybe we should drown our sorrows in some kolaches? Mmm, kolaches.


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